Text: John 9: 35-41
Text verse: John 9:36
To understand this conversation, it is important to see that Jesus is dealing with two groups here.
On the one hand, there is the man who is willing to believe in Jesus. He knows that the man is blind and doesn’t recognize Him. Therefore, he expresses the desire to Jesus to seek spiritual light.
The result is that Jesus introduces Himself to the man so that he can see and hear Him. This man, who was physically and mentally blind, could suddenly see both physically and mentally. The light broke through and therefore he worships Jesus.
Then Jesus talks to bystanders who are in the second group. He tells them that the purpose of his coming was precisely to present every human being with this choice. The word “decision” can also be translated into crisis or judgment. Every human being is brought before this decision.
It is true that Jesus did not come into the world to judge (also see 3:17), but his coming does present every person with this choice. You must decide if you will accept Him as your Saviour or not.
This means that there are people who were blind, who will then be able to see. Like this blind man was healed.
There are also others who think that they do not need Jesus to be able to see. With this, they reject Jesus because they think they do not need his salvation. Only when it is too late, will they realise in what darkness they lived.
In this regard, Paul says that he who thinks he is standing, must be careful not to fall (1 Cor. 10:12). We need to examine ourselves honestly.
It sometimes happens that we live in delusion. We think we have all the light. We think we sin less than others. We look for salvation in earthly things, or perhaps in the good life you live or the good person you are, instead of in Jesus.
On the other hand, you may acknowledge your weakness, but you will continue to live in that sin. Perhaps you feel inferior because your life is determined by the things you have done in your past, and it is as if you just can’t get over that sin.
These are signs that we are living in the darkness.
The only way we can be freed from this darkness is by acknowledging that we cannot free ourselves from its power. Jesus must have died for our sins.
Paul describes it so beautifully when he says: “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” (2 Cor. 4: 6).
In other words, we get to know God’s glory, love and grace through Jesus. It is that redemptive light that makes us new. God’s incomprehensible love makes us bold enough to confess our sins, for we are not condemned, but saved in Christ.
Live in the light of your salvation; in the light of what Jesus is and not in the darkness of your own sin and broken life …